Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - 10 Jan 2025

    Dear Constituents -

    The Vermont Legislature opened on Wednesday, January 8. The first order of business was the determination of a quorum by roll call of members, including the resignation of one and the appointment of his successor. Next up was the election of a Speaker of the House, the first such contested election in my six years in the General Assembly. The House elected Rep Jill Krowinski of Burlington to her previous position by a vote of 111-35 and unanimously re-elected the Clerk of the House by voice vote. In the afternoon session, the House held its seating ceremony, and the Senate elected a President Pro Tem to lead their Chamber. A Canvassing Committee, of which I took part in, to certify the election of statewide candidates, was convened, and several procedural Resolutions were voted on.  Later in the session, Committee assignments were announced, and I am happy to report that Franklin County Representatives are now a part of Committee leadership on several committees! I will continue to serve on the House Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, this biennium as Vice-Chair. On the second day, the House cast our votes for Lt Governor (no candidate having received a majority of the vote in November); John Rodgers won that vote 158-18. In the afternoon assembly, we listened to the Governor’s Inaugural Address, where he stressed the need to work together to fix the education finance system, relax regulations to allow more housing to be built, and make Vermont affordable again for all its residents. After this session, Senators also received their Committee assignments; northern Vermont is well-represented on Committee leadership in that Chamber, as well.

    Committees began meeting so members could get to know one another, ask procedural questions, and learn the juridiction and process of their committees. Several committees saw new bill introductions, as well. Caucuses also began the work of re-organizing and reaching out to members on their respective issues. I am hopeful that we are setting the tone for collaboration and cooperation on the important needs that our constituents impressed upon us during the election season, and I look forward to working with my colleagues from across the State and across the aisle to find solutions to make Vermont affordable and livable.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] with your questions and concerns. Thank you for this opportunity to serve.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango – Berkshire

  • 2024 Election Thank you

    Dear Constituents –

    Thank you for exercising your right to vote this Election Day! Statewide, the political pendulum has swung toward the middle, and this can only be a hopeful sign for Vermonters. I expect to see more moderate legislation, more thoughtful consideration for constituents’ immediate needs, and more collaboration on important issues like the economy (jobs, workforce) and affordability (more housing, fewer taxes); I certainly hope that’s correct! I look forward to working with my colleagues in Montpelier, and I welcome your input. Please reach out to me at [email protected] with your concerns and questions, and I will endeavor to keep you abreast of Statehouse news throughout the session (Jan 8-May, 2025).

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5

  • 2024 Election Message

    Dear Constituents -

    Tuesday, November 5 is Election Day! If you have not already mailed in your ballot or returned it to your Town Clerk, please do so, or plan to vote in person at your local polling place on Nov 5.

    For the tide to turn in Vermont and the Legislative makeup to be more evenly balanced, it is imperative that we all get out to vote! Vermonters cannot continue to sustain out of control taxation; people on fixed incomes and with tight household budgets cannot afford to have taxes and fees raised year after year by the supermajority who are making spending decisions in the Legislature. Those of us in the minority are out-voiced; we simply need to elect more like-minded, fiscally conservative members so our constituents’ voices are heard.

    Thank you for exercising your right to vote next Tuesday!

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • 2024 Primary Election Message


    Dear Constituents –

    This year’s Primary Election is important! Voting is on or before August 13 at your regular polling place or by requested Absentee Ballot.  Your voice makes a difference in how policy is written during the Legislative process! Please exercise your freedom and right to vote by voting now or on August 13.  Vermont requires voters to choose only one ballot, but if you don’t see the name of your candidate of choice on that ballot, you can write it in and select that candidate, regardless of which ballot you choose to vote. Please don’t hesitate to write in my name on whichever ballot you choose, as that will assure that my seat remains filled by a thoughtfully conservative-minded legislator.

    Thank you and Stay well,

    Representative Lisa Hango, Franklin-5 (Berkshire, Richford, Franklin, Highgate)  

  • Legislative Update - Veto Session 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    Last Monday, the Vermont General Assembly re-convened for a veto session to address the eight vetoes that Governor Scott thoughtfully considered and wrote this past session, most of them at the very end.  As I’ve noted in previous columns, this Legislature has a bad habit of waiting until the 11th hour to produce lengthy, complex legislation for its members to consider and vote on. On reading the Governor’s veto messages, which can be found on his webpage, a common theme is heard: this Legislature took on too many “first in the nation” issues, leadership did not come together with average legislators to pass legislation that would benefit all Vermonters, and we passed legislation that will have consequences for working Vermonters for years to come. Over the past several months, I’ve noted that a few individual legislators from all three parties and Independents have been willing to sit down to hammer out compromises, and I’m proud to have been a part of that effort.  We had a popular, Administration-backed housing bill that had tri-partisan sign-on in January that would have offered housing relief for our decades-long crisis. I am grateful to my colleagues from the Democrat and Progressive parties for being bold enough to sign onto it, and the Independents for supporting it.  As I’ve said, that bill went nowhere because House leadership wanted it their way, which was to combine housing development access with a sweeping land conservation bill that was written by powerful outside organizations. Senate leadership allowed some of the initiatives in the initial bill to go forward and be approved by the House, but it was too much, too restrictive, and too late for many to support the entire bill. This scenario continued through the veto session, as a total of seven vetoes were overridden in the House, and six were overridden and one was sustained in the Senate. In the space of seven hours, reasonable consideration to balance the needs of all Vermonters was crushed, leaving the minority of us who voted to sustain the vetoes exhausted and discouraged. We expected it and showed up but hoped for a better outcome. Sadly, the rhetoric doesn’t end there.  Every chance the supermajority has, in nonpartisan school and Selectboard meetings, in Op-Eds throughout the media, and in public forums, they are touting how they are the saviors of public safety in our communities, the answer to housing for everyone, the pinnacle of substance abuse prevention, and the champion of many other initiatives that are among the most liberal or restrictive in the nation, depending on the nature of the legislation that was passed into law. Nowhere do the supermajority talk about dialog and compromise; instead, they point to who did or didn’t show up to meetings and how their way is the only way. It pains me to see my colleagues across the aisle, whom I’ve had honest and heartfelt conversations with, being strong-armed into holding their noses and voting the way leadership wants them to, regardless of the outcome for their constituents.  [email protected]

    Thank you for the honor to serve.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - Adjournment 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    I will be seeking re-election to the House of Representatives in October.  It is an honor to represent my constituents in Richford, Berkshire, Franklin, and Highgate.

    The Legislature adjourned at 2am Saturday after passing a staggering number of bills, many “half baked”, in the final hours, despite having had many months to get them right. As we end this 2023-24 biennium, I reflect back on our work, thinking about the legislation that passed, and my role in that process. We began this session with great hopes for a bill that I sponsored which would allow for the simpler, faster build-out of substantially more housing units. Despite efforts by the Rural Caucus and the Administration, we did not get that bill. We were left with H.687, the Act 250 bill, being the vehicle for all housing legislation. This is a massive bill that very few legislators had the opportunity to understand in the very short time between being presented to us and having to vote on it.  While I respect the input that made this bill better than it started out, it is still not the housing bill that we needed or anticipated in those early weeks of the session. A bill of this magnitude had too much crammed into one piece of legislation (167 pages!) too late in the session, and regardless of requests for more time, the Supermajority leadership chose to push forward. As one legislator put it, “I can’t vote yes on something that I haven’t had time to understand”, which was sadly the case with a number of bills that were passed in the final days of the session. I have serious doubts that this bill will allow development in places that really need it. Teachers, nurses, loggers, manufacturing workers, and law enforcement all need a place to live in our communities, and we already turn them away for lack of housing. This bill adds a new requirement for the re-imagined Land Use Review Board to make rules and to contemplate whether and how subdivisions are a jurisdictional trigger in Tier 3 areas – potentially much of the land in rural counties. What Tier 3 rule-making will bring is completely unknown, and at no point does it contemplate the impact on communities; only the environment, and I fear that the more rural areas of our county will be left behind economically if development is not easily accessible for our small towns.  Legislation that didn’t pass because for lack of support included several bills that would increase recruitment efforts, expand benefits for members of the military, and tax relief for veterans, survivors, and retirees. As a Co-Chair of the VT National Guard & Veterans Affairs and a member of the Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, I find it shocking that we rarely take up this type of legislation, let alone pass an act that honors those who served their country. Additionally, the failure to pass a Yield Bill (H.887) that produces any real savings in the education fund or makes necessary structural changes to the education funding system will be felt in our pocketbooks well into the future.

    Thank you for the opportunity to serve Franklin-5. Please reach out to me at [email protected]

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango




  • Legislative Update - 3 May 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    We are approaching the final week of the Legislative session, which is characterized by frenzied attempts to pass bills; this often looks like advocates requesting new policy at the 11th hour, new language being adopted without thorough review, reliance on other committees or individuals to “fix the issues” as it moves through the process, and a general “pass it any way we can” mentality. This is not good policy-making! The VT Legislature meets January-May, with the exception of Town Meeting Week. There would be plenty of time to get it right, if we had appropriate and reasonable criteria for a bill to be considered, rather than allowing the supermajority leadership to determine whose bills take priority; instead, we continue to take up an increasing number of new bills and leave others hanging until the final weeks.  Very few of the bills before us are “must pass” (the Budget is one). For example, last biennium, there were 130 bills in my Committee, and we took up 59 of them; this biennium, that number grew to 173 with 74 being passed out as of this writing. That is an unsustainable number! There is not enough time to adequately vet all of these bills, many of them priorities of the powerful lobbies that work year-round to put their preferred candidates in office. You will see the unfortunate results of those efforts in your hard-earned paychecks and at restaurants, hotels, convenience stores, and the gas pumps. Vermont is unaffordable for working Vermonters; taxpayers and businesses are bearing the brunt of that reality. To counter this trend, I work very hard to not raise taxes or add new fees, and I hope that my efforts will be supported at the polls this year, along with other fiscal conservatives like myself across the State. Candidates are currently circulating petitions to get their names on the ballot – please take the time to vet those candidates: look at their voting records and webpages to learn what issues they support.  Ask yourself if they truly represent the Vermont you want to live in!

    To learn which bills were passed this week, the daily House and Senate Journals are available online at the Vermont General Assembly website; they are too numerous to list here. These can be found by clicking on “More House Information” and “More Senate Information”. Each committee’s webpages also list all bills passed from that committee, which can be found by clicking on “Bills Out of Committee”. To learn the status of those bills, type into the bill tracker the letter and number of the bill, and you will see its’ current location.

    A sampling of bills of interest this week include:  S.259 (climate change cost recovery); S.195 (how a defendant’s criminal record is considered in imposing conditions of release); S. 58 (public safety); H.766 (prior authorization and step therapy requirements health insurance claims, and provider contracts); S.196 (types of evidence permitted in weight of evidence hearings); S.309 (miscellaneous changes to laws related to Department of Motor Vehicles, motor vehicles, and vessels); S.213 (regulation of wetlands, river corridor development and dam safety); H.889 (Pay Act). Please reach out at [email protected]

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - April 26, 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    This week at the Statehouse found Committees responding to Senate proposals of amendment to bills passed earlier in the biennium and bringing those bills to the House Floor.  The Government Operations Committee finished our work on S.310 (natural disaster government response, recovery, and resiliency), HR18 (Resolution from the Special Committee on Impeachment) and a few more municipal charter changes; we also continued to work on S.55 (changes to Vermont’s Open Meeting Law), S.220 (act relating to Vermont’s Public Libraries), S.96 (act relating to privatization contracts), S.159 (County and Regional Governance study), and took a straw poll on H.887 (homestead property tax yields, non homestead rates, and policy changes to education finance and taxation – the Yield Bill). With regards to H.887, there is nothing in this bill for either short-term or long-term cost containment, or structural reform beyond an excess spending threshold and a penalty, neither of which have ever been effective in Vermont. Taxpayers will continue to feel the brunt of higher-spending districts across the state as we receive our property tax bills, and this is a direct result of the statewide funding formula that has existed since Act 60 was passed, making local decisions subject to the impact of a statewide education fund and the whims of other school board decisions across the state.                                                   On the House Floor, the following bills were passed: S.30, S.109, H.887, S.209, S.191, H.881, H.40, H.861, H.563, and H.659. Readers can find the content of these bills by typing the bill letter and number in the bill tracker on the General Assembly website and looking at the most recent “as passed by” copy. We also voted on PR3, a proposed constitutional amendment that will go through a four-year process that amends the Vermont Constitution to add the right to collectively bargain.  My explanation on the House Floor, as one of only eight Representatives to vote no, was “I believe in the power of unions, but I am never in favor of changing our precious and historic Vermont Constitution”. Additionally, and most importantly, the Budget “Big Bill” (H.883) was returned to us from the Senate and immediately sent to a Committee of Conference to resolve the differences between the two Chambers. This is one of only a couple of bills left to be sent to the Governor that are considered to be “must pass”, and once this is done, we will be able to adjourn.                      In Rural Caucus this week, we heard about a new program that the USDA will be offering in conjunction with the Administration for rural communities that will bring assistance to our neediest municipalities as they navigate the red tape that comes with applying for aid from FEMA, the SBA, and other federal governmental agencies. We also heard the latest update to the $3M Municipal Technical Assistance Program (MTAP), launched by the Administration in 2023 with the help of our advocacy, and we were pleased to hear that all of the funding has been obligated to municipalities for crucial work on projects and assistance with identifying and scoping those projects.  Many were developed in response to the need for new housing stock.  Please contact me at [email protected]             

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango



  • Legislative Update - April 19, 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    At the Statehouse this week, the countdown to adjournment has begun.  Good sources have the target date set as May 10 – I look forward to seeing if they are right! The pace is frantic, with last-minute witnesses testifying in committees on crucial bills, side deals being made in hallways, bills being held hostage by one chamber to get something in return from the other, and caucuses jockeying for position on must-pass legislation. In Committee, we are focusing on S.310 (natural disaster response, recovery & resiliency), trying to understand the intricacies of emergency management when disaster strikes. We are also continuing to take testimony on S.55 (changes to Open Meeting Law).  If municipalities or others have comments on the most recent draft (found on the House Government Operations webpage), time is ticking, and we need to hear comments this week!On the House Floor, we passed several bills this week: S.199 (governance & merger of CUDs); S.189 (mental health response service guidelines); H.626 (Animal Welfare); S.30 (study to create a Sister State Program); S.109 (study of Medicaid coverage for doula services); the “ghost gun” bill final reading was postponed. It was a busy week outside of our usual committee/floor schedule: with a meeting of the  VT National Guard & Veterans Affairs Caucus on Tuesday, where we heard about the VT National Guard Primary Prevention Workplace Program, which strives to provide opportunities to prevent assault and harassment; and a Rural Caucus meeting on Thursday, where we heard from both sides of S.258 (an act relating to the management of fish & wildlife), weighing in on the potential change in makeup of the Fish & Wildlife Board and the ban on hunting coyotes with dogs. This is legislation that is near and dear to our hearts in rural Vermont, and if you have an opinion, please reach out to the House Environment & Energy Committee, which is taking testimony this week in hopes of voting out those changes. On the House Floor, there was a reading of the Resolution honoring the USS-VT Support Group’s work on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the commissioning of the USS-VT submarine. I introduced the group on the House Floor and relayed the crew’s sentiments that the items donated by Vermont businesses that make their way to the boat via the VSG are much appreciated by those sailors who call themselves honorary Vermonters. At Farmers’ Night on Wednesday, a weekly cultural diversion from our hard work under the Dome, the Lieutenant Governor referenced “sausage-making” when speaking of these last few weeks of the biennium when most legislators are trying to get their bills across the finish line in any way, shape, or form that they can.  I can honestly say that is what we are doing! Thank you all for reaching out on various bills that are coming before us – constituent voices are the most powerful when it comes to legislating, so keep up the great work informing us of your opinions.  My email is [email protected] 

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - April 12, 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    Post-Eclipse: the Statehouse is back to its usual rhythm. Committees are digging into bills passed over from the other body, taking testimony, and prioritizing for the end of session. Rumor has it that we have just four weeks until adjournment; the second half of the session always seems to go faster than the first half!

    In House Government Operations, we’ve begun our work on: S.310 (natural disaster government response, recovery, and resiliency); S.42 (divestment of state pension funds in the fossil fuel industry); HR.18 (House Resolution calling for Franklin County Sheriff to resign); and S.220 (relating to Vermont’s Public Libraries) and continued our work on S.55 (changes to Open Meeting Law).  These bills are all complex pieces of legislation, demanding much more testimony and consideration than I think we have time left for in the session.

    If you’d like to learn more about these bills, go to the House Government Operations webpage, open the tab “bills in/out of committee”, click on the bill number, then “drafts and amendments”, and choose the highest draft number to click on for the latest version. Please feel welcome to pass along your comments to the Committee (email addresses are found on the home page for the Committee).

    On the House Floor, we passed: S.659 (relating to captive insurance); S.25 (regulating cosmetic and menstrual products containing certain chemicals and chemical classes and textiles and athletic turf fields containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs)), with an amendment to change the threshold of lead from 5ppm to 10 ppm; and H.543 (Vermont’s adoption of the Social Work Licensure Compact).

    If you’d like to learn more about these bills, type the letter and number into the bill tracker on the General Assembly website and click on either “as passed by the House” or “as passed by the Senate” to get the most up-to-date version.

    In Rural Caucus, we reviewed the progress of bills pertaining to rural Vermont and discussed potential vehicles to move those that aren’t making progress and future plans.

    I am continuing to follow bills of interest to my constituents as they make their way through the process, as well as representing the interests of the Vermont National Guard and veterans in various committees. The VT NG&VA Caucus, of which I am a Co-Chair, values the contributions the Guard makes to Vermont and is grateful for the sacrifices made by the many veterans who call Vermont home.

    Please reach out to me at [email protected] with questions or concerns.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5



  • Legislative Update - 5 April 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    The Statehouse this week was eerily quiet.  With the snowstorm sending members home early and the abrupt end to frantic crossover activity, we had plenty of time to enjoy the beauty of the living museum that we work in and to catch up with everything that’s been put on hold for the past three weeks as we worked very long hours. In the Government Operations Committee, we took up the following new bills : S.55 (authorizing public bodies to meet electronically under Vermont’s Open Meeting Law), which should be of great interest to municipal officials ; and S.310 (natural disaster government response, recovery, and resiliency), both of which were brought to us as passed by the Senate. If constituents wish to testify on these bills, please reach out at [email protected]. To learn more, please enter the bill number into the bill tracker on the General Assembly website.  A few bills were passed on the House Floor : H.872 (amendments to the charter of Barre Town) ; H.884 (modernization of governance for the St Albans Cemetery Association) ; H.874 (misc education bill) ; S.190 (statements made by a child victim of an offense involving serious bodily injury) ; H.876 (misc amendments to corrections laws) ; and H.882 (Capital Bill).

    In Rural Caucus, we heard from the sponsors of S.213 (regulation of wetlands, river corridor development, and dam safety), another bill that has just come over from the Senate worth taking a look at. We also had a brief and very timely tax presentation from the Public Assets Institute  where we learned that many Vermonters qualify for Vermont's anti-poverty tax credits (the Vermont Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit). But if families don't file their taxes, they won't receive the credits. After April 15th, families can still file for the credits, but they may have to pay a late fee. Go to for information about what the credits are, if you qualify, and how to file for them for free.

    Please also note that the NMV/E-R UUSD school districts will be holding informational budget meetings at the following times:

    NMV: April 13 10am - Berkshire Elementary School, April 15 6:30pm - Sheldon Elementary School, April 24 6:30pm - Bakersfield Elementary School, April 29 6:30pm - Montgomery Elementary School ** REVOTE is April 30 at your polling location or absentee ballot. ERUUSD: April 16 6pm - Richford Jr/Sr High School, April 23 6pm - Enosburg Falls Middle/High School. ** REVOTE is April 30 at your polling location or absentee ballot

    It is an honor to serve you in the Vermont Statehouse.  Please reach out with questions or concerns.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - 29 March 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    The Legislature is digging out from under the backload of bills passed ahead of the policy and money crossover deadlines. The week began with a Joint Assembly for Judicial Retention and a ceremonial reading of the Medal of Honor Resolution. Throughout the course of the week, the House passed the following bills to the Senate: H.612 (miscellaneous cannabis amendments); H.622 (Emergency Medical Services); H.655 (qualifying offenses for sealing criminal history records and access to sealed criminal history records); H.702 (legislative operations and government accountability); H.878 (miscellaneous judiciary procedures); H.877 (miscellaneous agricultural subjects); H.585 (amending the pension system for sheriffs and certain deputy sheriffs); H.630 (boards of cooperative education services); H.880 (increasing access to the judicial system); H.721 (access to Medicaid and Dr Dynasaur); H.546 (miscellaneous tax bill); H.873 (testing for and remediation of PCBs in schools); H.687 (community resilience and biodiversity protection through land use); H.833 (the Budget) is concerning because of the amount of money contained within other bills isn’t found in this version! You can see the text of these bills in the online Journal of the House, with any amendments and roll call votes. A hotly-debated bills was H.687, aka the Act 250 bill masquerading as a housing bill.  This bill and its 14 individual amendments spurred 5 hours of debate, with members from rural Franklin Co speaking out against the overly-restrictive new triggers and the lack of incentives to build new housing. The number of amendments alone tell a story – the bill came out of committee through a top-down process that was not inclusive of folks who advocated for Act 250 reform. My remarks on the Floor captured the frustration of the Rural Caucus: “We convened this session with the affirmation by all parties that Vermont has a housing crisis, and finding a way forward to building more housing would be of the highest priority. We had a tripartisan housing bill that pulled together the goals of all of our constituencies across the state. It got no attention. To that end, over the Fall, driven by the need to modernize ACT 250 jurisdiction and governance, three crucial stakeholder groups met and did the work to form a coalition that prioritized a fragile balance between land conservation and increased housing construction; the housing bills put forward did just that. The committee almost exclusively focused on H.687 this session, and it fails to honor the provisions of that hard-earned collaboration that the three published reports represent. Instead, the bill disregards the laudable progress made by those study groups and a request by the Rural Caucus to streamline and modernize the process to make it simpler to build housing, and significantly expands Act 250 triggers to impact over 97% of Vermont land. This new map shows that our state’s most rural towns will be disproportionately penalized, and these new triggers will stunt the economies of those communities by making it nearly impossible to build much-needed housing to support the workforce of local industries and public services. Our rural communities do not have the resources to jump through the hoops that are being proposed to enable significant housing development, and without that infrastructure, nor will they be able to adequately respond to what is required of them. I urge members to join me in voting against this bill and standing up for all Vermont communities that have been waiting decades for the opportunity to bring their economies into the 21st century”.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango




  • Legislative Update - 22 March 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    Vermont is unaffordable, and this Legislature is making it even more so. Despite efforts by a minority-led coalition voting against legislation that contributes to the creep in new programs and government positions, study committees, task forces, and increased costs for anyone who pays for utility rates, insurance premiums, DMV fees, payroll taxes, and property taxes, this a burden that Vermonters just cannot sustain. Much of the legislation passed affects all of us in our day-to-day lives, and Vermonters are making it known that they’ve had enough. The minority in the General Assembly hears this loud and clear – we vote against tax and fee increases, but the supermajority hasn’t gotten the message. Their agendas must be passed, regardless of the effect on constituents from all walks of life.  Vermonters need to stay informed and use that knowledge to inform their actions when they choose their government officials, at all levels.

    Bill language can be read by typing the bill number into the bill tracker on the General Assembly website.  As of Thursday, March 21, bills that passed the House and will go to the Senate for further consideration: H.279 (Uniform Trust Decanting Act); H.350 (Uniform Directed Trust Act); H.868 (2025 Transportation Program); H.794 (services provided by the VT Veterans Home); H.741 (health insurance coverage for colorectal cancer); H.667 (creation of the VT-Ireland Trade Commission); H.644 (access to records by individuals who were in foster care); H.614 (land improvement fraud and timber trespass); H.606 (professional licensure and immigration status); H.173 (prohibiting manipulating a child for purposes of sexual contact); H.233 (pharmacy benefit management and Medicaid wholesale drug distribution); H.867 (miscellaneous amendments to the laws governing alcoholic beverages and the Dept of Liquor and Lottery); H.664 (designating a State mushroom); H.10 (amending the VT Employment Growth Incentive Program); H.621 (health coverage for diagnostic breast imaging); H.661 (child abuse and neglect investigation and substantiation standards and procedures); H.704 (compensation disclosure in job advertisement); H.289 (Renewable Energy Standards); H.878 (miscellaneous judiciary procedures); H.706 (banning the use of neonicotinoid pesticides); and H.121 (enhancing data privacy). There is not enough space in this column to describe each bill, but it is imperative to call your attention to H.289, the Renewable Energy Standards, which would require utilities to use 100% renewable sources by 2030 (2035 for smaller utilities), necessitating upgrades to transmission lines and infrastructure, which costs would be passed on to rate-payers; I urge you to learn what this legislation could mean for you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Representatives and Senators about any of the bills that you are hearing about. You can locate their contact info by typing your town into the Legislator tracker on the General Assembly website. I can be reached at [email protected], and I am honored to represent you.

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango


  • Legislative Update - 15 March 2024

    Dear Constituents -

    Friday, March 15 marked the midpoint of the Legislative session with crossover day, and all bills with viability, unless they contain appropriations, have moved to the other body in the Legislature for further review. Those that do require appropriations have an extra week to pass to the other chamber.

    This week in House Government Operations & Military Affairs, we continued to take testimony at a frantic pace, producing draft after draft of legislation as we tried to keep up with all the changes generated from committee members’ questions, wording gotten “not quite right”, and outside meetings that happened after hours to rework the language to try to “get to a yes vote”. Bills that passed out of the committee just this week are: H.702 (legislative operations and government accountability); H.872 (VT criminal justice council amendments); H.606 (professional licensure and immigration status); H.644 (access to records by individuals in foster care); H.622 (Emergency Medical Services); H.140 (state-funded grants); H.845 (designating November as Vermont Month of the Veteran); H.585 (amending the pension system for sheriffs and certain deputy sheriffs); H.875  (State & Municipal Code of Ethics); and H.626 (Animal Welfare).

    On the House Floor, we had an extended debate on S.18 (banning flavored tobacco products and e-liquids) and a long debate on H.645 (expansion of approaches to restorative justice); we also passed H.534 (retail theft), H.870 (professions and occupations regulated by the Office of Professional Regulation); H.766 (prior authorization and step therapy requirements, health insurance claims, provider contracts, and collection of cost-sharing amounts); H.856 (medical leave for a serious injury). We also had the distinct pleasure of honoring Torpedoman Henry Breault, on the 100th anniversary of him being awarded the Medal of Honor; he was the first enlisted man to have ever received the Medal, for saving the life of his fellow submariner while in the Panama Canal.

    If you would like to read more about these bills (and those passed by the Senate), you can type the bill number into the bill tracker on the General Assembly website and click on the most updated version of that bill (“As passed by the House” or “As passed by the Senate”, official or unofficial).  You may also explore that webpage further and click on “details” below the passed bill language for any roll call votes to see how your Representative or Senator voted on that bill.

    The next steps for these bills will involve taking more testimony in sister committees in the other body. They stand to be changed in many ways. You can follow the progress in the committees where the bill is assigned by viewing that committee’s posted agendas. All committee hearings are available recorded on YouTube through the General Assembly website. Please reach out to me at [email protected].

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - 23 February 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    The pace at the Statehouse is picking up – every Committee has its eye on crossover (March 15 for policy bills and March 22 for money bills) and is taking testimony fast and furiously.  The House Government Ops Committee heard brand-new bills (H.622 EMS, draft expansion of Optometric scope of practice, and recommendations from the Criminal Justice Council) this week – do we expect to pass those, too?? We continue to hear from the same witnesses repeatedly on H.612 miscellaneous amendments to cannabis statutes, miscellaneous amendments to alcoholic beverage statues, and both the State and Municipal Codes of Ethics, each time with changes to the proposed language – my sense is that none of these will be ready for prime time on March 15. The sponsors don’t seem to have vetted their proposals very thoroughly ahead of time. We have briefly touched on budget issues and education finance, which should be the major focus of every committee at the Statehouse this session: trying to solve the issues of how to build more housing, help more Vermonters live independent lives, and take care of the most vulnerable among us, while refraining from making Vermont so unaffordable and so unsafe that everyone who can moves away.

    The House Floor saw little action again, passing H.861 an act relating to reimbursement parity for healthcare services delivered in person, by telemedicine, and by audio-only telephone, H.132 an act relating to discrimination based on housing status, and H.745 the Vermont Parentage Act.

    Our VT Rural Caucus heard from the sponsor of S.55, which is an act relating to the Open Meeting Law, and Commissioner Danielle Fitzco on the Forest Futures Strategic Roadmap, a look-ahead to where the forest economy can thrive and how to get there. To that end, the Rural Caucus has been talking about Act 250 regulatory reform and how that could positively affect rural Vermont communities.  We are actively engaging with House leadership to put forth an agenda to relax reform where development makes sense and to protect land reasonably while allowing for economic growth, such as we see with forestry and farming-related businesses.

    The next few weeks promise to be a roller-coaster ride! If you have questions or concerns, please reach out at [email protected].  It is an honor to serve as your Representative. Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5

  • Legislative Update - 16 February 2024

     Dear Constituents -

    The biggest Statehouse news of interest to constituents this week is H.850, a bill developed by House Ways & Means and House Education to “fix” a loophole in Act 127 from 2023.  When the implementation of the new pupil weighting system formula that determines the tax capacity of a school district with respect to the needs of its individual student population was enacted, a 5% cap was included for certain districts that needed a “soft landing” for a few years because they would be losing tax capacity.  Keep in mind that as a result of Act 60 in 1997, Vermont has a statewide education fund that all taxpayers pay into, and all school districts receive funding from. Also, not all students cost the same to educate (for instance, students who are multi-language learners or who live in poverty are are more expensive to expensive to educate, as are high schoolers vs preschoolers). Unfortunately, there were some districts across the state that submitted budgets over the 5% cap “because they could”, and that resulted in warned budgets that greatly exceeded education spending from last year and could cause all of our property taxes to rise, regardless of how many fiscally frugal districts submitted reasonable budgets. H.850, which passed the House and is in the Senate, seeks to remedy this by allowing for school districts who wish to re-work their budgets to hold that vote up until April 15. It also provides a discount for those districts that lost tax capacity due to the aforementioned changes in the pupil weighting formula.

    Also on the House Floor, we passed: H.247 the Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact; H.563 an act relating to criminal motor vehicle offenses involving unlawful trespass, theft, or unauthorized operation; H.649 amendments to the VT Truth and Reconciliation Commission; H.801 amendments to the Town of Waterbury charter; and S.154 an act relating to the Vermont State Plane Coordinate System.  We sent H.839 the Budget Adjustment Act (BAA) to a Committee of Conference and elected two trustees of the Vermont State College System and the Adjutant and Inspector General of the Vermont National Guard.  Of note, we are the only state in the US that still elects the TAG.

    In Committee, we continued our work on: H.612 miscellaneous amendments to cannabis statutes; a state and a municipal code of ethics; H.626 animal welfare; miscellaneous amendments to the Department of Liquor and Lottery statutes; H.794 services provided to the Vermont Veterans Home; and H.641 authorizing boards of abatement to hear like cases as a class. I spent some time in House Appropriations hearing about the military budget.

    In Rural Caucus this week, our NRPC Regional Planner presented a model of smart development based on the village of Richford VT that could be replicated throughout the state in communities whose downtowns lie in river corridors. We also heard from a local forester about development in rural areas outside of downtowns and the VLCT on Act250.

    It is an honor to serve – [email protected]

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - 9 February 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    Committee work kept us busy at the Vermont Statehouse this week.  The House Government Operations and Military Affairs Committee dug into several bills: H.549 siting of cannabis cultivation; H.726 compliance checks by the Dept of Liquor and Lottery; H.426 creation of new cannabis licenses; State and municipal ethics committee bills (not numbered); H.730 uniformly removing members of State Boards and Commissions; H.667 Vermont-Ireland Trade Commission; H.801 Town of Waterbury charter change; miscellaneous Committee Dept of Liquor and Lottery bill; H.641 authorizing boards of abatement to hear like cases as a class; and S.154 VT State Plane Coordinate System. Our portfolio is wide and varied; if you would like to learn more about these bills, they can be found by using the bill tracker function on the General Assembly website or looking at our Committee webpage.

    On the House floor, our business was completed quickly. We passed H.666 an act relating to escrow deposit bonds; H.751 an act expanding equal pay protections; and H.849 the annual Technical Corrections bill.

    Of note, the Senate passed H.839 the Budget Adjustment Act, with further amendments, so that bill will now go to a Committee of Conference, which will result in a compromise bill to send to the Governor.

    At the Rural Caucus this week, we heard presenters from two perspectives on how Act 250 appeals should be heard. Act 250 is our 50+ year old land use law, and it is long overdue to be modernized. Without reforms to the statutes, creation of new housing for all Vermonters will continue to lag far behind demand for housing.  For more information on proposed changes to the law, the VT Natural Resources Board website is a good place to start with the results of the “Necessary Updates to Act 250” study. H.719 and the Senate Economic Development Committee bill, the “BE HOME” bill are two pieces of legislation addressing housing needs that are getting a lot of airtime in Montpelier. H.687 in House Environment & Energy is a bill that is also getting a lot of attention, which is concerning to me. The proposed changes to the law that this bill would implement can be seen by looking at these two maps of Act 250 triggers: currently

    And if H.687 were to pass


    It is an honor to serve as your Representative. 

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5

  • Legislative Update - 2 February 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    At the Statehouse: This week brought more bill introductions in our committees and very little action on the House Floor. Committee Chairs are trying to hear from sponsors of as many of the almost 900 bills that have been introduced as they have time for. Based on whether they think the bill will have traction to last the session, they will then take the bill off the wall, and the committee will hear testimony from various witnesses and subject matter experts. If there are bills that constituents have an interest in, you are encouraged to reach out to the Chair and Committee Assistant of that committee to ask to submit written or oral testimony. This information is found on the General Assembly website, on each committee’s webpage. Examples of bills of interest from the House Government Operations and Military Affairs Committee: siting of outdoor cannabis cultivation, cannabis special events permits, miscellaneous amendments to cannabis statutes, municipal and state codes of ethics, and amendments to statutes relating to the Office of Professional Regulation. Committees also spend much of their time listening to summaries of reports mandated in previous legislative sessions.  This week, we heard from the Vermont Veterans Home on how their facility in Southern Vermont is faring during this time of healthcare worker shortages and nursing home closures (I am happy to report that they are doing very well!).

    On the House Floor, we passed one bill of significance, H.363, an act relating to prohibiting discrimination based on certain hair types and styles.  This bill takes language from the national CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural hair) Act and was passed out overwhelmingly by a 132-5 roll call vote. You may notice that some of the roll call votes don’t add up to 150 – there are times when representatives are absent from the Floor, and these names, along with the yeas and nays, may be found on the General Assembly website after typing in the bill number and clicking on “Roll Call Votes”.

    The VT National Guard completed their four-part series of presentations on the mission and vision of the Guard.  These recordings may be found on the General Assembly website under “Announcements”.  The depth and breadth of what this organization does for the State of Vermont is profound, and we are grateful for their service.

    This week’s Rural Caucus meeting focused on the health of our rural hospitals. We heard from several CEOs around the State, and their presentations were starkly realistic:  they painted a picture of people living in hospitals because there is nowhere else in the community for them to live; patients with mental health challenges who need specialized treatment yet have no physical symptoms; transportation challenges on weekends and after-hours being met by EMT services that should be responding to emergencies. It is an honor to serve our rural communities.

    Reach out at [email protected].

    Stay well,

    Rep Lisa Hango

  • Legislative Update - 26 January 2024

    Dear Constituents

    The rhythm of the Legislative session has set in as we complete our third full week back in Montpelier. The House floor continued to be mostly uneventful, with more municipal charter changes and a captive insurance bill (H.659) passing. We heard the Governor’s Budget address, where he laid out his priorities within the confines of the resources we currently have without raising any new taxes or fees. The House passed H.839, the Budget Adjustment Act (BAA) late Thursday, on a roll call vote of 112-24. This Act is the traditional “truing up” of last year’s budget, whereby any remaining funds are re-distributed, and any emergent issues are taken care of. In the past few bienniums, more and more policy decisions have been inserted into the BAA, without the benefit of robust committee hearings throughout the session to vet those changes to statute.  This year, the House Human Services Committee, requested through the BAA an extension of the hotel/motel program until June 30 and a reversion to the pre-pandemic “adverse weather” sheltering  policy, a discussion that at the very least should have happened within the committee hearing process (it didn’t) and the opportunity for the House to vote on this policy separately from the rest of the BAA (it didn’t). For that reason, I and 23 of my colleagues, voted no on this important mid-year bill. H.839 as written without this very late in the day change was a reasonable bill, containing many good funding decisions.  I am grateful to my colleagues on the House Appropriations Committee for working so diligently to produce what was a bill worthy of a yes vote until the last-minute addition of $5M for this program extension and change in policy.

    In the House Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, we have had several new bill introductions and taken up some complex legislation: Two draft bills on Ethics, dr 24-0461relating to a Municipal Code of Ethics and dr 24-0229 relating to a State Code of Ethics; and H.626 relating to animal welfare. All three of these bills are long and contain many issues that will need much committee time to hear from witnesses.

    The National Guard continued their four-part series, this week on Funding sources and Facilities. It is astonishing how much our VT Guard contributes to the State’s economy by bringing in federal dollars for construction projects, which in turn employ Vermont workers, who pay income, property, sales, and meals taxes.  These projects have a direct line to much-needed revenue growth for services and programs that benefit all Vermonters.

    The Rural Caucus meets weekly, and this week’s discussion topic was community resilience and biodiversity protection through land use, as presented in bill H.687.  A priority for the Rural Caucus this session is to look at Act 250, its impact on rural areas, and the bills that touch on it, with this bill being the first of several that we will hear about.

    It is an honor to serve. 

    Stay well, Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5

  • Legislative Update - 19 JAN 2024

    Dear Constituents –

    This week in the Statehouse felt more routine – bill introductions have slowed down, and we’ve begun our work on the issues before us.  In the Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, that consists of diving into reports filed by the State Ethics Commission, the Cannabis Control Board, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the Department of States Attorneys and Sheriffs, the Law Enforcement Advisory Board, and a joint hearing on the EMS Regional Coordination Study.  Each of these reports comes with recommendations for further legislation, which we must be diligent about researching and weighing the pros and cons within the construct of the State Budget. If you would like to learn more, these reports and the associated bills are on the House Government Operations & Military Affairs webpage under that day’s date or Reports & Other Resources. Resulting from this work, we are considering bills relating to a State and a Municipal Ethics Code, miscellaneous amendments to adult-use cannabis statutes, and further initiatives around public safety.  We also continued our work making recommendations to House Appropriations on the portions of the Budget that fall under our jurisdiction. While many are worthy, all programs cannot continue to be expanded in a year when taxes and fees are rising and the federal funding windfall is over; the Appropriations Committees have a monumental task ahead of them.  This Committee passed out one bill this week, H.649, an act relating to the Vermont Truth and Reconciliation Commission.  Readers may recall from 2021-22 our work on the House General Committee trying to bring a more specific focus to this bill; we were not successful in narrowing the scope of Act 128, which set the mechanism to stand up a Commission to gather information on individuals and populations that were historically institutionalized and overlooked during the era of the eugenics movement. That Commission commenced operations last Spring, but when a Commissioner resigned, there was no mechanism in place to replace a vacant seat.  This bill, H.649, came to us with the request that we set up that mechanism, which we were ready to do as guided by the purpose of our committee work. However, the bill contained some other pieces that were less palatable: a request for an additional $1.1M, an extension of 10 months to complete the Commission’s work, and an exception to the Open Meeting Law because of the sensitive nature of this work.  Ultimately, it was this last piece that tipped the balance in the room to vote 9-3-0 to pass this bill, with myself and two colleagues voting no out of concern for the expansive scope of the Commission and its timeline and potentially limiting public participation in these open meetings.

    The House Floor was very quiet this week, as we passed only a few bills that made municipal charter changes (H.516 for Essex Jct and S.141 for the Fairfax Fire District), some technical corrections (H.560 to workers’ compensation rulemaking and H.599 reinstating a statute that was inadvertently removed last session) and heard commemorative Resolutions.

    The National Guard continued their series called Guard 101, this week focusing on the Mission of the Guard, in their roles for the State, the Federal Government, and in Global arenas. This series is brought to us by the VT National Guard & Veterans Affairs Caucus, which I co-Chair, the VT National Guard, and the House Speakers’ Office as an educational resource for legislators who will be voting in the upcoming election for the Adjutant General of the VT National Guard.  Major General Gregory Knight will be running for re-election, and it is notable that we remain the only state in the United States that still elects our TAG; all other states’ Adjutants General are appointed by the Executive Branch. 

    The VT Rural Caucus, which I also co-Chair, held its weekly meeting with presentations from the UVM Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships, a USDA Rural Development specialist, and the VT Chief Recovery Officer, focusing on what those organizations can do for communities in recovery or revitalization mode.

    Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected]. It is an honor to represent Franklin-5. Stay well, Rep Lisa Hango