Legislative Update - Jan 22, 2021
Dear Constituents –
Week 2, and we are back in the rhythm of House floor and Committee meetings, at least as we know it on Zoom. Although we heard assurances from Leadership prior to the session beginning that we would be focusing on COVID relief and response, with an emphasis on economic recovery, I have yet to see evidence of its prioritization.
In the House General Committee, we are taking up bills where we left off last March, re-introducing legislation pertaining to a Homeless Bill of Rights, public school employee bargaining, and establishing criteria for a Livable Wage. We briefly discussed recommendations to the Budget Adjustment Act, but there was little in that Act that we were called upon to offer comment. We also heard testimony from the Vermont Veterans Home, unique to other states in that it is a State agency, the union that supports the VVH employees, the Vermont Veterans Agency, the Commissioner of Finance regarding the Property Transfer Tax and how it is used (or not) to fund the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, the Joint Fiscal Office on the Basic Needs Budget (a flawed and outdated formula), and the Commissioner of the Department of Labor and the Director of the Unemployment Insurance Department. As our name suggests, we really are the General Committee!
On the virtual House floor, another 28 bills were introduced, bringing us to 114 thus far – subjects are far ranging, as often Legislators have particular issues that they would like to see raised or constituents who have requested that bills be submitted. Each bill is introduced by number and title (and sometimes just number) and is referred to a Committee where it is put on the virtual wall to wait until the Chair decides to take it up. At that time, the Committee will get an introduction by the bill’s sponsor. The next step is a walk-through by the attorney who drafted the bill. The Chair, sometimes with the Committee’s input, decides when to call in witnesses to testify (if ever) and who those witnesses will be. Testimony could take weeks or months, and bills may be put aside in favor of other priorities. Many of the bills I will speak of in this column may never get voted out of Committee and will stay on the wall. This biennium, as a Caucus Co-chair, I have focused on submitting bills that are priorities for our National Guard soldiers and airmen and our Veterans, as outlined by the Legislative National Guard Caucus and participating military liaisons. I’ll go into detail on them at another time, but the subjects include exemption of military retirement pay from income taxes (there are different versions of this legislation that I’m co-sponsoring), exemption of military housing and subsistence allowances from income taxes, a modernization of antiquated National Guard statutes, a military student loan repayment program, a bill outlining the minimum qualifications for the Adjutant General of the National Guard (currently there are none), an exemption for military veterans’ disability pensions from property tax calculations, and a bill aligning Guard State Active Duty Service with the Federal USERRA employment protection act. Only a couple of these bills have been introduced as of this writing, but they all will come to my Committee for consideration.
This was a busy week for Caucuses: at the National Guard Caucus meeting, we received a refresher on the procedure for election of the Adjutant General (we are the only state in the nation that still elects this officer) and employment protections under the USERRA; at the Rural Economic Development Working Group meeting, we heard about the highly successful Working Lands Enterprise Program that assists agricultural and forest producers and processors with funding and technical expertise for diversification and adding value to raw materials; and at the Tourism Caucus meeting, we listened to a presentation on the use of CRF money to promote to tourists that Vermont is open for business and how to visit here safely. I find the work of these caucuses important to the work of the Legislature, as they are a non-partisan group of legislators who come together to take a position on issues that are important to them and their constituents.
I look forward to hearing from you with your comments and concerns. You may reach me through my website www.hangoforhouse.com or at [email protected]
Thank you for the opportunity to serve and stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5
Legislative Update - Jan 15, 2021
Dear Constituents –
The first full week back in session was truly full — typically, Legislators use Mondays to attend to constituent issues, bills we are working on that are unrelated to bills assigned to our Committees, and local meetings. This week, Monday seemed particularly busy! Because of using remote platforms like Zoom, Advocacy groups no longer have to schedule to meet with us while we are at the Statehouse, so they can arrange meetings at any time during the week, and Monday was a day scheduledwith meetings on banking, municipal governance, child development, and food insecurity.
On the House floor, bills are being introduced and committed to the Committees of jurisdiction, several of which have been referred to my Committee, the House General, Housing and Military Affairs Committee. The scope of our work is such that we currently have possession of bills that deal with collective bargaining for public school employee health benefits, whistleblower protection for law enforcement, basic needs and livable wage, and National Guard employment protections, among other legislation that is being introduced on a daily basis.Some of these bills will remain on the wall, while others are given Committee time, and they can be found on the webpage for each Committee on the General Assembly website. All members also took part in mandatory training on Sexual Harassment in the workplace.
In Committee, we are hearing testimony on the response to COVID-19 from various housing agencies, hearing bill introductions, receiving general housekeeping updates on the use of our website and iPads, being introduced to the attorneys who serve our Committee, and discussing the writing and introducing of legislation. We also had a briefing from the National Guard on the deployment of Vermont soldiers to Washington DC for the Presidential Inauguration and from Senator Leahy’s office on the latest round of federal Coronavirus relief funding.
I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Vermont Commission on Women one evening, and I greatly appreciatedhearing the data that was presented on how COVID-19 is disproportionately impacting women in Vermont, which I learned more about the next day in a joint Committee hearing with the House Commerce and Economic Development Committee and the Joint Fiscal Office. The focus of that meeting spotlighted Vermont having the highest unemploymentclaims for women in the US and the lack of childcarereinforcing those numbers, both crucial issues that face Vermont families.
It is an honor to be back in the virtual Statehouse to serve the needs of my district with Rep Paul Martin.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at [email protected] or Paul at [email protected]
Rep Lisa Hango
Franklin-5 Richford-Berkshire-Franklin-Highgate
Response to J.R.H.1 - Jan 11,2020
For those who have been following the media on Resolution J.R.H.1, I was asked to explain why I would not support it, and rather than letting someone else tell my story, I choose to tell it myself:
I did not co-sign the Resolution; it is not necessary to be a co-signer if one supports a Resolution or a bill, and I chose not to in this case. Also, if one did not sign onto this Resolution, it also doesn’t mean that one implicitly supports or doesn’t support the actions or words of the President. As I stated in Caucus, I could not support the accusatory, inflammatory language of the Resolution as it was written. I hoped for the time to work through the language to make it less reactionary and more accurate, as the facts become more widely known, but that was not forthcoming. An important Resolution such as this, crafted and voted on within one day of an event at the Nation’s Capitol that I condemn for its unnecessary violence, on Day 2 of the Vermont Legislative session, is not to be taken lightly or at face value. Rushing this through the Vermont House and Senate without proper investigation at a national level, without giving us at the State level time to process the information as it is coming to us, only serves to further divide Vermonters when we need to be working together on the very important business of getting Vermont back in business.I was elected to serve the needs of my constituents, like those who have reached out to me this week asking (for instance) when they will be able to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations, when they can expect their unemployment benefits, and when they are going to get their internet connection fixed. I was elected not to legislate national politics, but to assist my neighbors in Franklin-5 and throughout Vermont in accessing their daily needs. I have a history of collaboration with all parties, and I take pride in being able to work across the aisle to achieve these common goals, asking the tough questions and getting the answers that Vermonters deserve. There will never be unanimous agreement on all issues, but a multi-party system ensures that these discussions best serve the needs of all of the people.I have faith that, with my fellow Legislators, we will find a way past this crisis to do the work we in the Legislature were elected to do, which is to put the pandemic behind us through vaccination and the current health and safety measures and to propel the Vermont economy into post-COVID-19 recovery.
Thank you for that honor.
Stay well,Lisa
Legislative Update -Jan 8, 2021
Dear Constituents –
With virtual swearing-in ceremonies on January 6, the 2021 Legislative Session has begun! We will be working remotelyfrom our home offices until at least March 9, so you will be able to keep track of your Legislators by following all House and Senate proceedings live-streamed or recorded on YouTube and seeing us at online local meetings.
These first few days involved new members being seated, oaths being taken, and Committees being assigned – I will be continuing my work on the General, Housing, and Military Affairs Committee, as requested, which fits well with my responsibilities co-chairing the National Guard Legislative Caucus. It was nice to learn about our new Committee members, including Fairfax Rep Barbara Murphy, before we dove into this week’s testimony. We received updates from the Department of Children and Families, the Office of Economic Opportunity, the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, the Vermont State Housing Authority, and the Vermont Housing Finance Agency detailing their use of the Coronavirus Relief Funds money that we allocated to those agencies for housing needs. It was indeed encouraging to hear how many households were served during the past six months and how quickly those funds were deployed. Certainly our Agency of Human Resources and its Community Partners deserve to be commended for the effort they undertook during this pandemic to ensure that the most vulnerable Vermonters were safely housed.
At district school board meetings this week, budget talks were the topic of the evening, as school directors grappled with the difficult decisions involved with keeping tax rate increases at a minimum while maintaining important programming for students who have even greater needs during this time of remote and hybrid learning.
The Rural Legislative Working Group Caucus met and discussed legislative priorities specifically for rural communities around increasing access to broadband. As many of you know, this is a priority for me, having watched households struggle with access when learning and work went remote last year.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with your comments and concerns at [email protected] .
Stay well,
Representative Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5
Season’s Greetings 2020
Dear Constituents –
I would like to take this opportunity to share Season’s Greetings with you all! However you will be celebrating this year, may it be a time of hope, joy and peace. My New Year’s resolution is simple – to help Vermont and Franklin County remain the place we want to live and do business in, and I will work to the best of my ability to meet that goal.
I wish you and yours all the best for 2021 – good health, community connections, and to be able to put the COVID-19 crisis behind us.
Please reach out to me at [email protected] with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have. It is a privilege and an honor to serve you.
Happy Holidays and Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango
Election Thank You 2020
Dear Constituents –
It with heartfelt gratitude that I have been elected to represent Franklin-5 in the Vermont Legislature. I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to work for the best interests of my District, along with Paul Martin, in the Statehouse. Thank you to everyone who provided me with support – kind words, financial donations, displaying a lawn sign – your assistance made the difference! I look forward to serving another term. Please contact me at [email protected] or through my website www.hangoforhouse.com with your concerns or comments.
Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango
Election Day 2020
Dear Constituents –
The countdown is on! Tomorrow is Election Day 2020!
I hope I have seen you this past week as I’ve traveled around the District doing sign waves at various, busy intersections. It has been an honor to serve as your Representative, and I’m asking for your vote at the polls so I can continue to bring your voice to the Statehouse.
If you have already voted, thank you for fulfilling your civic duty as an American; if you have not, there is still time – bring your ballot to your Town Clerk today or vote in person on Tuesday, November 3. A ballot not voted is a voice unheard, and Montpelier needs to hear your voices! Always feel welcome to reach out to me at [email protected] or www.hangoforhouse.com – I always listen and try my best to do the research and vote accordingly.
ALSO - if you are graciously displaying my lawn signs, I will be around Wednesday to pick them up, as statutes dictate - THANK YOU!
Thank you in advance for returning me to the Statehouse!Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango
Campaign Update 2020
Dear Constituents –
I hope this note finds you and your family all well and safe!
If you have not already cast your ballot, NOW is the time to mail them or be prepared to deliver them to your Town Clerk in person or to vote in person on Election Day!
By now, you should have received in your mailbox three County-wide mailers from the Franklin County Republican Party, and one from myself, incumbent Representative Lisa Hango and Republican Paul Martin, who is running for the second seat in our Franklin-5 District (Highgate-Franklin-Berkshire-Richford). I hope you have also seen our digital ads pop up as you search the Internet — this is the first year that we have utilized this technology, and I am anxious to know how it was perceived; please contact me through this website www.hangoforhouse.com if you have seen our ads and whatyour impression is.
Once again, I would like to thank all of you for the support you have shown me during this campaign – financial donations, hosting a lawn sign, words of encouragement, and belief in my ability to lead Franklin-5 into better times — it makes the difference for me! It has been an honor to serve as your appointed Representative, and I look forward to continuing as your duly elected Representative in the next biennium.
I welcome your comments and concerns at [email protected] or www.hangoforhouse.com !
Please vote for LISA A HANGO for Vermont House of Representatives — I thank you for your support!
Stay well,
Resolution 2020
Dear Constituents -i just signed on to this Resolution promoting a safe, fair, and peaceful election cycle! It is a non-partisan effort spearheaded by the Franklin County Better Angels ([email protected]) organization, an offshoot of the national Braver Angels organization (www.braverangels.org) Braver Angels is a citizen’s organization uniting red, blue, and purple Americans in a working alliance to depolarize America -
We recognize that there are differences of opinion in Franklin County regarding the desirable outcome of the national election on November 3. As Franklin County citizens, we wish to remind everyone that we are Vermonters and Americans first. We all have the power to be heard by voting for the candidate of our choice. As Americans, it is our duty to protect our democracy by ensuring a peaceful election and a peaceful transition of power regardless of who wins. In our communities we strive to take care of each other and see the best in each other regardless of our political views. We invite you to choose to believe in our best selves. Let’s build a stronger, healthier and more resilient community together.
I hope you will join me in facilitating a successful 2020 election!
Stay well,Rep Lisa Hango
Legislative Update- Oct 2020
Dear Constituents –
Our most important civic duty in the next few weeks is to vote — please mark your ballots for the candidates who you believe will best look after our fiscal health and put us on the road to economic recovery.
As I’ve been driving across my District delivering lawn signs these past few weeks, I am struck by the feeling that I am missing out on something very important this campaign season. While I am enjoying the colors of the Fall foliage against the backdrop of the mountains and meadows, I realize that there are so many roads I’d like to take, and so many people I have yet to meet. I sincerely wish that I were able to stop to see more of you, but COVID-19 has changed the way we are campaigning. I appreciate the limited opportunities I’ve had to visit with some of you, and I hope all of you can safely enjoy the beauty of our mountains, lakes, rivers, and back roads, as I have been doing.
Although the Legislature has adjourned, we continue to receive updates and reports on various funding initiatives, and work remains to be done to ensure that our constituents receive the information and support you need. Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions and concerns at [email protected]or www.hangoforhouse.com . It is an honor to be serving as your State Representative.
Stay well,
Rep Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5 (Highgate-Franklin-Berkshire-Richford)
Press Release
Vermont National Guard Caucus forms in the Vermont Legislature
Members of the Vermont Legislature have announced the formation of a Vermont National Guard Legislative Caucus in advance of an anticipated large-scale deployment of the Vermont Army National Guard in 2021, with the intent of improving communication with the Guard. The caucus provides a venue for Legislators and the VTNG to review policies; learn more about VTNG operations and actions; discuss issues specific to the organization and provide for additional transparency. Members of the VTNG are currently activated by Governor Scott to support Vermont during the COVID-19 state emergency, and the Air Guard is midway through their transition from the F-16 to the F-35.
One of the immediate focuses of the caucus will be supporting the large-scale, out of country deployments for the Army National Guard that are expected in 2021, and a reduced scale deployment of some members of the Air National Guard in late 2020. Legislators will have many constituents in their communities (Army and Air Guard personnel, their families, employers, and school leaders) impacted by these deployments. The group expects to provide a forum for discussion around the missions and policies of the Vermont National Guard and will be a resource for the public, the General Assembly, and affiliated policy organizations.
This nonpartisan caucus currently numbers 20 members from across the political spectrum and will be co-chaired by Dover Representative Laura Sibilia (I), Representative Matt Birong of Vergennes (D), and Rep. Lisa Hango of Berkshire (R), who initiated the formation of the nonpartisan legislative coalition. This caucus is expected to grow and will meet monthly with liaisons from the Scott Administration, Legislative Counsel, and Guard Leadership on behalf of their constituents to support the members, families, and employers of the Vermont Army and Air National Guard.
“The formation of this caucus will be a great resource for engagement between the Guard, the Legislature and the public. These dialogues will be a welcome conduit of information as our committee does its work,” said Rep Matt Birong, who serves along with Rep Lisa Hango on the Vermont House’s General, Housing and Military Affairs Committee.
As with any National Guard state, the Governor is the Commander in Chief. However, Vermont is alone in that the General Assembly elects the state’s Adjutant General.“Vermont Legislators have a unique and consequential responsibility to ensure enlisted and officers within the Vermont National Guard have high quality and highly qualified leadership,” said Sibilia, a military mom who hopes the caucus can help new legislators understand that role.
“This Caucus has already received enthusiastic support from National Guard leaders, constituents, and leaders in the Vermont House as our Guard prepares for its overseas missions and continues to serve us here in the State with its response to the pandemic. Many constituents in Franklin County played an important role in the 2010 deployments, and I see this Caucus as a way of giving back to those who serve by supporting members, their families, and our communities,” stated Rep Hango.
For further information contact: Representative Laura Sibilia [email protected], Representative Lisa Hango [email protected], Representative Matt Birong [email protected]
Legislative Update -Sept 21-24, 2020
Dear Constituents –
The 2020 Legislative session is complete – the House adjourned at 6:30pm on Friday, September 24 — never before has our General Assembly experienced such a session, and I hope itnever will again. It is with great gratitude that I thank the Administration, the Legislative staff, and my colleagues for theirextended service to the people of Vermont.
The most important news for the week was the ability of a Committee of Conference to come to an agreement with the Governor’s recommendations for the budget, H.969. By passing this bill, we have accomplished what we needed to do to keep Vermont running for the rest of this fiscal year.
It has been a long, exhausting, unusual, and memorable session, and I am honored to have represented my District. I will continue to attend town and school district meetings as I am able and to be available for comments and concerns at [email protected] and through my website at www.hangoforhouse.com.
Thank you and stay well,
Representative Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5
Legislative Update - Sept 14-18, 2020
Dear Constituents –
Screen time for the House of Representatives this week has really picked up — Committees are meeting to hear testimony, draft bills, and listen to amendments. The House and Senate are seeing hours of floor session to debate and pass bills before adjournment (hopefully) next week. This week’s action included passing S.54 – Tax and Regulation of Cannabis – in concurrence with the Committee of Conference report, and overriding the Governor’s veto of the Global Warming Solutions Act, both of which I have shared concerns about with my constituents in this publication and on my website www.hangoforhouse.com. More screen time for the Franklin Selectboard and the Richford REAC Committee filled two evenings, and a wonderful extended family Zoom session took place on another.
Read more