Legislative Update - 12 January 2024

Dear Constituents –

It was our first full week back at the Statehouse, and a busy one it was. My week began with Co-Chairing the VT National Guard & Veterans Affairs Caucus meeting to discuss priority legislation and to recap meetings held during the Fall to implement various strategies to bring awareness to the Guard’s recruiting crisis. Legislators attended events hosted by the Guard at both Norwich University and UVM, with an exchange of ideas leading to legislation submitted on behalf of the Guard, H.739. The Guard also hosted part one of a Legislative orientation to their mission and vision, ahead of the February election for the Adjutant General, and we saw the changing of leadership with Deputy Adjutant General Mr Ken Gragg retiring and being succeeded by Brigadier General Hank Harder. We were pleased to offer a House Concurrent Resolution on the House Floor to honor Mr Gragg.

In Committee, we passed several municipal charter changes favorably, as well as hearing several bill introductions, beginning our work on technical challenges to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and most importantly, amendments to the Cannabis Control statues H.612. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with your concerns on this bill!

On the House floor, we saw action on H.27, an act relating to coercive controlling behaviors and abuse protection orders and H.72, an act relating to harm reduction criminal justice response (formerly known as “the safe injection site” bill). Both passed on roll call votes, and you can see how your Representative voted by typing the bill number into the bill tracker on the General Assembly website and clicking on “roll calls” under House Action.

I was honored to be part of a tri-partisan coalition of legislators who wrote a bill in consultation with the Administration to expand the number of housing units in Vermont by regulatory reform and incentivizing smart growth, H.719 - https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/status/2024/H.719


This coalition bill was the focus of the Governor’s weekly press conference, linked at https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=governor%20scott%20press%20conference%201/10/2024%20vermont&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:8582408a,vid:QevoVwhP4dc,st:0


The Rural Caucus of VT met and set our priorities (voted on by membership) for the session.  You can view them and learn more about the Caucus, which I also Co-Chair, at https://www.vtruralcaucus.com/

This week also brought new interns to the Statehouse, two of whom are interning for me;  one with the Rural Caucus, and one with the Republican Caucus.

Please note that there will be a Legislative Breakfast at the Enosburg American Legion on January 22 at 8am – the public is invited to attend and meet your legislators.

You may reach me at [email protected]

Stay well, Rep Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5

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