Legislative Update - February 26, 2021

Dear Constituents –
As the days grow longer and Spring approaches, the work in the virtual Statehouse also gets busier. With Annual Town and School District Meetings being conducted remotely, days as well as evenings have been slated for Zoom. I would like to take this time to commend your town and school district officials who have successfully enabled us to participate in the electronic version of Town Meeting. I found the meetings I’ve attended to be well-run, informative, and timely; if you haven’t been able to attend your meeting, you can find a recording on your town or school district website or on YouTube, and if you have not already done so, please exercise your right to vote by mailing in your ballot or visiting your socially distanced, safe municipal polling place on Town Meeting Day.
On the House floor, we successfully passed H.89, limiting the liability for on-farm Agritourism activities, two Resolutions - regarding continuation of our remote work until May 15 and clarifying that devotionals and floor speeches are not to be journalized - and H.317, our newest COVID relief bill, among others. Nearly 400 bills have been introduced, among them H.332, co-sponsored by myself and Rep Durfee from Shaftsbury, which is a Healthcare workforce development/ educational assistance bill establishing a scholarship/loan repayment program with a service obligation for eligible Physician Assistants and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses/students. I am also co-sponsoring a loan repayment bill (H.219) for Guard members, with Reps Birong and Sibilia, my Co-Chairs in the Legislative National Guard Caucus, and H.328 that provides greater access to educational opportunities for Guard family members. Education is very important to me!
The House General Committee continues to take testimony on JRH.2, an apology for the eugenics movement, and H.96, the creation of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force. We also began taking testimony this week on H.256, a bill dealing with rental housing health and safety standards, H.157, a bill requiring registration for construction contractors through the Office of Professional Regulation, H.313, a miscellaneous alcoholic beverage bill, and H.149, a modernization of the National Guard Statutes. Most of these bills are prioritized by leadership for passage prior to crossover on March 12.
Caucus meetings attended this week were informative – at the Older Vermonters Caucus, I was able to present my PA/APRN scholarship bill in the context of a very similar nursing scholarship bill that was passed last year as Act 155 and is serving as a driving force in recruiting and retaining healthcare professionals for the home health agency and long-term care facility sectors. At the Tourism Caucus, the discussion centered on a letter presented to the administration requesting clear guidelines for safe reopening of the events economy and additional ways to assist the hospitality industry in recovery from the pandemic.
I hope by now I have seen many of you at your Town or School District meetings, and I am grateful for your support of my work. You may reach me at [email protected] or www.hangoforhouse.com
Stay well,
Rep Lisa A Hango, Franklin-5

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