Dear Constituents –
The pace at the Statehouse is starting to fall into a more predictable rhythm – Committees continue to take bill introductions, learn about the agencies and organizations (advocates and others) that they will interact with, and attend trainings. House action has been minimal and mostly oriented toward bill introductions, ceremonial items and routine announcements.
In the Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, we drafted and passed a committee bill to clarify certain provisions relating to the Australian Ballot System and heard presentations from the VT League of Cities and Towns, the Office of Professional Regulation, the Office of Racial Equity, the Vermont Community Action Partnership, and the Vermont Access Network, all within our committee purview. We also had bill introductions for H.1, H.17, and H.27 – for those wishing to learn more about the bills that are on the wall in this committee, they can be found on our committee webpage, as well as those that we are taking up in the current week.
On the House Floor, we were really pleased to welcome members of the Richford Jr-Sr High School Championship Boys Track & Field, Softball, Girls Soccer, and MVU Softball Teams, their Athletic Directors and Coaches. It was an honor to introduce these young people and their mentors to the General Assembly.
We also received the report on Education Finance from the Secretary of the Agency of Education as a Caucus of the Whole. This consisted of a presentation of bold concepts that will need time and energy to digest. The Committees of Jurisdiction have already been diving into the work of pulling these initiatives apart and vetting all of them.
The VT National Guard & Veterans Affairs Caucus met and recognized, and I will remain as a tri-partisan Co-Chair, along with Rep Laura Sibilia – I and Rep Mary-Katherine Stone – D. We were introduced to a new partner, the US Coast Guard station in Burlington, and had a refresher intro from the VT National Guard.
The Rural Caucus had its weekly meeting where a few of our partner organizations introduced themselves and our members began pitching bill concepts to the Caucus.
Please continue to reach out to me with questions and concerns at [email protected]
Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango, Franklin-5
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