Dear Constituents -
The Vermont Legislature opened on Wednesday, January 8. The first order of business was the determination of a quorum by roll call of members, including the resignation of one and the appointment of his successor. Next up was the election of a Speaker of the House, the first such contested election in my six years in the General Assembly. The House elected Rep Jill Krowinski of Burlington to her previous position by a vote of 111-35 and unanimously re-elected the Clerk of the House by voice vote. In the afternoon session, the House held its seating ceremony, and the Senate elected a President Pro Tem to lead their Chamber. A Canvassing Committee, of which I took part in, to certify the election of statewide candidates, was convened, and several procedural Resolutions were voted on. Later in the session, Committee assignments were announced, and I am happy to report that Franklin County Representatives are now a part of Committee leadership on several committees! I will continue to serve on the House Government Operations & Military Affairs Committee, this biennium as Vice-Chair. On the second day, the House cast our votes for Lt Governor (no candidate having received a majority of the vote in November); John Rodgers won that vote 158-18. In the afternoon assembly, we listened to the Governor’s Inaugural Address, where he stressed the need to work together to fix the education finance system, relax regulations to allow more housing to be built, and make Vermont affordable again for all its residents. After this session, Senators also received their Committee assignments; northern Vermont is well-represented on Committee leadership in that Chamber, as well.
Committees began meeting so members could get to know one another, ask procedural questions, and learn the juridiction and process of their committees. Several committees saw new bill introductions, as well. Caucuses also began the work of re-organizing and reaching out to members on their respective issues. I am hopeful that we are setting the tone for collaboration and cooperation on the important needs that our constituents impressed upon us during the election season, and I look forward to working with my colleagues from across the State and across the aisle to find solutions to make Vermont affordable and livable.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] with your questions and concerns. Thank you for this opportunity to serve.
Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango – Berkshire
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