County Courier Q & A - Oct 8, 2020

The County Courier of Enosburg Falls VT is running a candidates’ Q & A. 
Here is this week’s question and my response:


QUESTION: Many area residents began getting their ballots in the mail this week, and if they haven't, they likely will in the next few days. What would you like voters to know most about you as they begin to consider who to vote for?


ANSWER: Regardless of how we may feel about universal mail-in balloting, voting has begun! In these unheard-of times of not being able to campaign in-person and focusing our efforts instead on the special Legislative COVID session, candidates may not seem as publicly accessible to voters as they normally would be. Please know that we are! You can reach us through our digital platforms and phone calls, and we are more than happy to be of assistance - I check my messages daily! My contact info is [email protected]and

I strive to respond to all inquiries, and if I don’t have all the answers, I will find someone who can help. I have spent the better part of two years learning the subject matter of my committee and the legislative process, as well as building relationships with as many members of the General Assembly, the Administration, and the staff as possible, so I can be an informed and effective Legislator. I am pleased that I have been able to work collaboratively with all parties, and although I tenaciously adhere to my ideals and values and those of my constituents, I listen to all sides of debate, and I work diligently and respectfully to close the gap on issues. I take my responsibility to my constituents seriously, and my voting record and attention to local issues reflect this. Ibelieve that the consistency of having prior legislative experience and institutional knowledge of the process will prove invaluable as we work to recover from the effects of COVID-19 on our economy. My background serving on community boards and committees dealing with education and healthcare, combined with my leadership and interpersonal skills will serve me well in the difficult times ahead. I feel confident that I understand the challenges we face, and I look forward to being a part of the solutions. 
Thank you for your continued support to return me to the Statehouse - it is truly an honor to represent my District. Please return your ballot however you prefer - by mail prior to Oct 20 to ensure time for processing, or in person at your voting place on Nov 3. 
Thank you and stay well,

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