The County Courier of Enosburg Falls VT is publishing a candidates’ Q & A.
Here is this week’s question and my response:
QUESTION: Vermont's Land Use and Development law passed in 1970, better known as Act 250, has seen changes over it's 50 year lifespan. This year, the Vermont Legislature has struggled to come up with a compromise to update the law that would carry enough weight to get through both House and Senate, and get signed by the Governor. If you are elected, what changes would you work to implement when it comes to Land Use and Development?
ANSWER: As of the deadline for this response, both the House and Senate had passed a much pared-down bill that only addressed two components of land development and use dealing with forest fragmentation and recreational trails; and it is awaiting action by the Governor. After extensive work on this bill, H.926, I am
disappointed to say that it cannot be considered Act 250 “reform” legislation by any stretch of the imagination. A true review of the prohibitive costs, time, and regulation associated with the 1970 act addressing land use and development needs to be undertaken and streamlined before any new measures are imposed. Vermonters want to be able to utilize their greatest asset - their land - through a process that is clear, concise, and user-friendly, none of which has been possible for the past 50 years. There can be no economic development without Act 250 reform, and I look forward to working with my colleagues from the House and Senate Natural Resources Committees to craft better legislation to allow for land use that boosts, rather than curtails, economic development.
Stay well,
Rep Lisa Hango
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